New Trachy Change & Clean UP

Luke is having a new type of Trachy tube fitted. This one will hopefully be more flexible and provide better air flow to the Lung.

Medical Terminology

PICU - Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

STOMA BAG - Works in a similar way to a small hoover bag in that the bags hole goes over where the gut sticks out to catch the contents processed by the bowel thus bypassing the rectum.

TPN - Total Prenatal Nutrition, a form of feed substitute given intravenously that provides all a baby needs to live and grow






VENTILATOR - A machine that can puts air into the lungs to aid breathing




0.25 on Ward (July)

Luke on ward, happy with just 0.25 or oxygen being delivered via nasal prongs a week or so before pneumonectomy (removal of lung).



Friends Of PICU

The Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) at Southampton General Hospital is the regional centre for the South of England. It is a purpose built unit which presently is open to 10 beds with an 11th bed due to open shortly however it has the ability to expand to 14 beds in the future.

To run such a service and maintain high standards of care, which is paramount in the care of seriously ill Children, requires frequent up dating.

Therefore we are looking for help to maintain and purchase new life saving equipment .
Registered Charity No.1116880

Donate Online

Luke & NuNu

Luke with NuNu (a.k.a. plopzilla) a few days before he went into hospital

Luke & Nunu on 17/05/09

Luke 1 day old

This is a picture of Luke just a day old, at home already thinking about Hockey!