the NHS
11 October 2009
I’ve wanted to say something about how wonderful the NHS is and what they have done for Luke but I always held back because I felt it might be tempting fate, not because of the quality of the NHS but because we’re not out of the woods with his recovery yet.
I hate being superstitious. I never was, but until things like this happen to you don’t want to take the slightest chance with anything. I wasn’t really religious before this but have found myself in the chapel plenty of times – that’s human nature I guess.
The bottom line is and to put it bluntly without the NHS we would be totally screwed with regards Luke’s life. I can tell you now - if the NHS ever finishes it will be it will be a sad day in British history. I don’t know how many of you reading this have ever had to go through anything like what’s happened to Luke (and I hope you never will) but I can assure you that if you ever did it would probably change your feelings for good on how valuable a commodity the NHS is.
Sure we’ve all been to the hospital before with a tooth that needs removing or to fix a broken finger perhaps – and probably had a grumble about waiting a while to get seen. This is such a small part of what really goes on behind the scenes – there is a much bigger picture at work. Luckily for most people this is their only experience of being in a hospital but it is just one of the many important cogs on the NHS wheel. The hospital itself just a veneer once you dig beneath the surface everyone from the cleaners to the brain surgeons plays an important role in making the NHS what it is.
The professionalism of the NHS nurses, doctors and surgeons is second to none. They sweat blood day in day out working 12.5+ hour shifts relentlessly. I’ve been there observing first hand for over four months, seeing them do it - never wavering, never faltering from their duty. This level of quality and professionalism is something we should want to keep and be proud that our nation provides. Sure it may need a few tweaks here and there but what doesn’t - show me a system thats perfect? As far as I’m concerned anyone who thinks we would be better off without it or wants it become privatized is deluded.
To be able to walk in off the street whether you be prince or pauper, 365 days a year and get treatment is a fantastic thing – long live the NHS!